
presentations and workshops

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Looking for a highly qualified presenter to speak at your school or organisation?

As an experienced public speaker, I am able to inspire, motivate, and deliver practical, experiential presentations and workshops in a wide variety of situations. I cover a range of performance-related topics, and can tailor a presentation to suit your circumstance.

My presentations and workshops are compatible with the new Australian National Curriculum: The Arts, for years 7 to 12.

Presentations include:

  • Plan & Practise Like a Pro! – Maximise your practice sessions with cutting-edge, evidence-based strategies for expertise and peak performance (45-60 minutes)

  • Feel The Stretch – Push your boundaries by applying the science of learning in your practice - you’ll never practice the same again! (45-60 minutes)

  • Performance Under Pressure – Is Being Calm & Fearless The Answer?? - The Basics of Working with Nerves and Anxiety for Performance, drawing upon Performance Psychology and Music Performance Anxiety (MPA) research (45-90 minutes)

  • 3 Keys To Peak Performance - Reach your full potential by incorporating Values, Acceptance, and Mindfulness into your practice and performance (30-90 minutes)

  • Mindset & Motivation – Lay the foundations of a productive and fulfilling musical journey by adopting a Growth Mindset and developing the 3 key areas of self-motivation (45-60 minutes)

  • Music Teacher Professional Learning and Development

  • How to Help Your Child with their Music Education - For parents who “don’t have a musical bone in their body”, how can they still play a role in their child’s education? I look at ways parents can assist and motivate their children, and be actively involved in their overall education. (30-60 minutes)

Presentations can be conducted either in-person, or online via Zoom.

Please fill out the contact form below to arrange a customised quote.


masterclasses and sectionals


Enhance your school or organisation’s brass department program.

As a music teacher for over 2 decades, I have worked with countless brass musicians all over the world. With a pedagogical style based on Arnold Jacobs’ “Song and Wind” philosophy, coupled with cutting edge knowledge in neuroscience and psychology, I provide plenty of food for thought for any level brass player.

With a wide variety of practical ideas and techniques to take home and apply, participants will leave inspired and motivated after one of my sessions.


Performance Coaching


Do you have a performance or audition coming up? Would you like to improve the mental side of your playing? Looking to find some answers to problems that keep popping up every time you perform?

My performance coaching is for musicians and performers that want to go from where they currently are, to where they aspire to be. I provide straightforward, practical strategies that can be easily implemented into your regular practice and performance routines.

I use scientifically validated methods that will help you gain a greater understanding of how your body and mind work, and how this can be used to dramatically improve your performance. You will take away simple, clear, actions from each session, resulting in consistent progression from practice to performance.

To arrange a session with Mark, please email or fill out the contact form below.


One-on-one Coaching or instrumental lessons


Where the rubber hits the road!

One-on-one lessons and coaching sessions give you the opportunity to work with me directly, and dive right into the specifics of developing further as a musician. If you are an instrumentalist wanting to improve your technique and musicality, or wish to combine this with strengthening the mental side of your craft, my sessons are tailor made to suit your individual needs in a supportive and encouraging environment. Sessons can be online or face-to-face.

Book a one-on-one sesson with Mark through his online calendar, or fill out the contact form below.


Groups I’ve worked with


Association of British Orchestras (ABO)

Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB)

Australian Youth Orchestra (AYO)

Australian Society for Music Education Tasmanian Chapter (TASME)

Brighton Secondary School Special Interest Music (SIM) Program

Claremont College

Clarence City Band

Clarence Valley Conservatorium of Music, NSW

Darwin Symphony Orchestra (DSO)

Derwent Valley Concert Band

Dominic College

Elizabeth College

Eltham High School

Fahan School

Flute Society of NSW

Glenorchy City Brass Inc.

Ogilvie High School

The Friends’ School

Hobart College

Hobart City High

Hunter Wind Ensemble

The Hutchins School

Invested Musician (U.S.A.)

Killarney Heights High School

Latrobe Federal Band


Launceston College

Lismore Symphony Orchestra (LSO)

Marryatville High School Special Interest Music (SIM) Program

Melbourne Youth Orchestras (MYO)

Melrose Band (U.S.A.)

Monash University

Mount Carmel College

Musica Viva Australia

Newstead College

New Town High School

Northern Rivers Conservatorium of Music, NSW

Orange Regional Conservatorium

Rosny College

Rangi Ruru Girls’ School, New Zealand

Sacred Heart College, New Town

Saint Ignatius College Geelong

Saint Patrick’s College, Launceston

Scotch Oakburn College

Summerland Christian College

Symphony Services International

Taroona High School

Tasmanian Bands League

Tasmanian Music Teachers’ Association (TMTA)

Tasmanian Youth Orchestra (TYO)

Ulverstone Municipal Band

University of Tasmania

Waverley Christian College


Contact Form

Hands up if you want to improve your performance!

Hands up if you want to improve your performance!