Want experience for nothing!?

“Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it!” - Steven Wright.png

This is one of my favourite quotes that I tell my students regularly, and it’s funny coz it’s true! (hence coming from a comedian!)
How many times have you come off stage after a gig saying “Why did I do that!? If I did X or Y, then it would have gone so much better! If I had a second chance at it right now I would nail it simply because I know what to expect!”

Well, that’s what experience is for! 😉

Although this can sometimes be a frustrating or demoralising experience, it is the perfect opportunity to sit down, grab a pen and paper or your smartphone, and jot down what you could have done differently in order to perform more successfully down the track.

What have you learned that you didn’t know before the concert? How can you prepare for this better in the practice room, or in the lead-up? Were there other things in the concert that could have thrown you off, and how will you prepare for these possibilities in the future? Change your perception from this situation being a negative experience, into an opportunity for you to grow, learn, and get so much better through your mistakes.

Do you have any interesting stories where you learned a lot after playing a concert? Please share if you do!