Nothing new…

Marathon runners often say %22Nothing new on race day.%22.png

One common mistake by young or inexperienced performers is that performance days are treated differently to non-performance days. This can lead to instability, an increase in pressure felt on the day, and a less than optimal result.

Would you completely change your daily routine just because you have a rehearsal? Probably not. Then why change your routine for a concert!? Think of performances as just “rehearsals for the general public.” Just another day, just another concert! Where possible, try to keep your regular routines the same, regardless of whether you have a concert or not.

Routine creates stability and familiarity, helping you to get into the right mindset to perform your best. One routine that you can develop in the practice room is a “pre-performance routine”. This is a short sequence of actions that prepares us physically, mentally, and emotionally, right before we are about to play.

You would have seen plenty of these already on TV in sports such as tennis (before each serve), golf (putting), basketball (free-throws), AFL football (set-shots), Rugby League and Union (conversion kicks), baseball (pitching), to name a few.

Pre-performance routines help in establishing familiarity and consistency under all circumstances, so nerves and pressure affect you a lot less when it matters most. They can also be used as a way to channel the extra energy that you have into the performance in a positive way. This can provide you with additional sparkle and excitement that will make your concert even more engaging and memorable.

Here’s a couple of short articles on developing your own pre-performance routine. Although sports based, the techniques can still be applied in the same way to music performance:

Do you have any specific routines that you go through before you rehearse or perform? Share what works best for you in the comments below!