SHARP goals.png

Another slightly different variation on SMART goals is SHARP goals – goals to enhance your edge! πŸ”ͺ

SHARP stands for:

S – Significant & Salient – meaningful and substantial goals that are clear and relevant to you.

H – Healthy & Holistic – a healthy motivation is something that comes from within; you are internally driven, and it empowers you towards positive growth. Holistic refers to your goals being integrated into your life as a whole, rather than being exclusively driven to achieve a goal at the expense of everything else important in your life.

A – Accountable & Actionable – Be accountable to someone and report on your progress to them regularly. This could be your teacher, mentor, coach, partner, or family member. This will give you the impetus to DO something and act on your objective.

R – Risk-oriented & Results-oriented – Go for it and take risks! Make risk-taking a part of your regular practice routine and push your boundaries to create exciting and interesting music. This way we can boldly strive for the results that we set out to achieve.

P – Partnered & Persevered – Team up with someone for additional support and encouragement – a friend, fellow musician, partner etc. Then use each other’s support to stick at it and persevere towards your goal, especially during the rough patches.

So which acronym do you prefer? SMART or SHARP? Or would you use both of them? Or a combination of the two?

If you’re in need of someone to be accountable to, then please send me a message and I can help get you started in working towards your goals. Sending that message, or one to a friend or colleague, can be the first step in pursuing your dreams!