Posts in Nerves and Anxiety
Climb the pressure ladder
Stand like a Superhero!
Practice and Preparation, Performance, Nerves and Anxiety, Focus and Concentration, Courage, ConfidenceMark BainPower Pose, Amy Cuddy, Superman, Wonderwoman, Testosterone up, Cortisol down
Quiet Eye
The Power of Meditation
Square breathing
Mindset, Confidence, Courage, Growth, Performance, Practice and Preparation, Nerves and AnxietyMark BainSelf-talk, Inner voice, Sports Psychology, Self-belief
If it is to be...
Practice.......makes perfect!
Practice and Preparation, Nerves and Anxiety, Focus and Concentration, Confidence, PerformanceMark BainPerfect practice makes perfect, Distraction Theory, Explicit Monitoring, Noa Kageyama, Pen-Pen Chen, Visualisation
What am I gaining?
Performance, Nerves and Anxiety, Mindset, Growth, Confidence, Courage, Practice and PreparationMark BainGrowth Mindset, Skill, Knowledge, Experience, Learning, Gratitude
Breathe deeply...
Nerves and Anxiety, Focus and Concentration, Confidence, Courage, Performance, Practice and PreparationMark BainDiaphragmatic breathing, Square breathing, Fight Flight Freeze, Fear, Nerves
Pre-Performance Routine - Centering
What is IZOF?
What's being threatened?
Ride the waves